Popular Australian Residential Architectural Styles

Australian residential architectural styles have carried on evolving significantly over time and have shown an improvement from the imported corrugated iron which was used for the majority of home builds for many years.

In modern times Australian residential architecture has reflected the climate conditions and natural landscape views of the country in the styles in which houses are designed. The latest designs have adopted helpful factors to enjoy the warmer climate in certain regions and the use of east and west shade.

With the use of both local and international styles in architecture, this list provides information on the most popular residential architectural styles in Australia.

Regional Gabled Cottage

The regional gabled cottage style is largely focused on the standard triple-fronted brick veneer style of building with a completely different feel in style and provides a distinctive gabled roof that is dominant in its own design aesthetics. This style of architecture provides the owner of the home with a lot of versatility due to it being able to be built either full timber, brick, painted, or a combination of timber and brick.


The Brutalist architecture style evolved from the modernist style in post-war Europe and emphasised bare building materials and functions. This style of architecture usually features exposed and unpainted concrete, solid forms, and exaggerated slabs. Some examples of this style of architecture can be seen in the Harry and Penelope Seidler House in New South Wales and the Gottlieb House in Caulfield, Victoria.

Pavilion Style

Pavilion-style homes have long been popular throughout Australia with characteristics of simple rectangular box shapes, open plan interior with glass replacing the majority of the wall spaces, and steel window frames. These homes are extremely transparent and stand as the perfect style of architecture for homes in more natural settings with beautiful views.

The architectural styles on this list showcase the most frequently used styles in Australia for both boutique and affordable homing making it easy for all homeowners to have their dream homes designed. With so many different styles of agriculture being prominent in Australia, these three are the most popularly used by architects.